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Essential Guide on Preventing Ski Wipe Outs & Other Less Spectacular Falls!

Mar 11, 2022

We all dread the “f” word when it comes to skiing!  But falling doesn’t have to mean anything bad is going to happen nor is in an inevitable part of skiing.  Taking a little bit of time to plan your day,  prepare your body and know your limitations can make a huge difference to your risk of falling.  Also knowing how to fall safely and how to get up after you have fallen can prevent an injury.  Most falls cause no injuries other than a few bruises and wipe-outs can often be a source of great amusement to your friends!  However,  to help tip the odds in your favour,  here are a few awesome pointers.

Sarah’s Top 5 Tips to Prevent Skiing Falls

 1. Take regular breaks

Too long skiing without a rest will result in your body becoming physically and mentally fatigued and lead to ill-judged decisions.  We’ve all made that error on one run too many!  Make sure you schedule in rest time throughout your day.  It’s the perfect excuse for a mountain top coffee and soak in the views.  Don’t forget to breath!!!

2. Know your limitations

Your ski holiday is a holiday remember that!  Skiing above your skill ability risks you and others if you can’t control your ski’s.  Make sure you take a lesson if you’re a bit rusty.  Also make a point to know the piste map or take one with you at all times so as to avoid getting stuck somewhere with no easier alternatives! Finally bebe sure to check the weather in advance if you know you don’t like skiing in poor visibility,

3. Know the ski highway code

Enough said!  Here is a link to Ski Club of Great Britain’s Highway Code. (

4. Check your equipment

  • This might sound like common sense but make sure your boots are done up properly.  Buckles can easily be knocked undone on the lifts or after a tumble.
  • Check the din settings on your skis  (this is how easily the skis release when you fall- and is a dial at the front and the back of the binding).
  • Goggles should have the correct lens for the light conditions as too light a lens will make seeing difficult in bright sunshine and too dark a lens will prevent you seeing the bumps in low light.
  • Check your helmet fits correctly.
  • Know how to hold your poles (see picture below).  This means that if you fall the strap isn’t wrapped around your wrist and your thumb in contact with the pole and helps to avoid skiers thumb (fracture of the thumb)!

5. Keep hydrated

Altitude,  along with the drier air,  dehydrates your body quicker than normal.  Combine this with exercising and maybe too much wine the evening before,  can leave your body dehydrated and non-optimal for physical performance.  Give your body a fighting chance and drink extra water!

Despite these tips, falls do happen.  BUT this doesn’t mean an injury is inevitable.  The most important rule is… If you are going to crash or fall,  let it happen!

Our next article in this ski series will be all about what to do if you do find yourself falling on the slopes so stay tuned!

Little note… what happens after you’ve hit the apres bars is another matter!!!

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