Victoria Rendle's

Retreat to RESET

the year plan to maximise your health, body, movement and life

Thurlestone Hotel | 19th - 21st January 2024

Claim Your Spot

Reverse the impact modern day stressors are having on your health

Learn science-based strategies to identify then overcome the impact daily stresses are having on your body. We develop a unique year plan, that ensures you are doing the best for your health and wellbeing in 2024.

It’s the starting point to better health, more energy, joy and resilience for daily life.

Unlike traditional retreats, our RESET isn’t just a weekend escape. We RESET you for the whole year, optimising your health and life.

Arrange a Call to Find Out More

Is this you?

  • Struggle to create and stick to healthy habits. 
  • Worry about your health but don’t know where to start to make changes to feel better. 
  • Feel overwhelmed with daily life, juggling lots but never seem to achieve things that really matter.
  • Know you need to move and exercise more, but don’t know where to start and what to do to get the best results.
  • Don’t like how your body looks (any of the following); Tummy muscles, overall muscle tone, posture or weight.
  • Have aches, pains or old injuries that stop you being more active or exercising. 
  • Struggle feeling good about yourself and prioritising your own needs in the day. 
  • Lacking in energy and direction.
  • Lost yourself and want to get some joy and vigour for life back.
  • Pre, peri or post menopausal and want to optimise your body for this season of my life. 
  • Feel too busy, stressed and possibly even burnt out.
  • Want to prevent future health problems by being proactive now.

If you answer “YES” to one or more...

Then the Retreat to RESET is for you. Download our FREE brochure to find out how this retreat can help you improve your health and wellbeing this January.

Get the brochure to find out more

Find out all the deets, from a road map of the retreat journey, to a breakdown of the Whole Health Core Principles, as well as all the practical info you need to know about.

Enter your details to receive the FREE brochure.

Or click below to save your place at the retreat

Find Out More or Book Your Place


"I felt less alone and like a burden had lifted.

Had I not done this I would have been miserable, overwhelmed, guilty and alone and my health would have suffered. 

I now have simple, personal ways to prioritise myself, improve health, and begin to live the life I feel excited to live!"


"I’m now a happier mum and wife...

I have more energy and enthusiasm for others all whilst giving time and energy to myself without feeling guilty! I love the fact I can now start to build in tiny steps, to achieve big goals. 

If you’re thinking about RESET, do it, no questions. It’s enlightening, encouraging, transformative and guilt free!"


"It's revolutionaised my life...

I was overwhelmed juggling everything at work and home. I couldn’t find time for self-care and especially to fit in exercise. 

I now feel so much less stressed and get up early every weekday morning to have half an hour of self-care time just for me and it’s made a huge difference in my life"


"It’s helped me figure out what’s most important...

I’ve given myself permission to hit pause. For once in my life I am not making lots of plans, in fact I’m not making any plans at all, which is rather strange. Right now it’s time to focus on me and staying present in now, not overthinking the future."



Ready to Reset?
Claim your Spot


What's included ?



Not only will you get the confidence, clarity and certainty you are doing the right things for your health and wellbeing this year, you will also get the following during our exclusive Retreat to RESET.

The fee is ÂŁ1477 per person for 2 people sharing an inland room. If you want to attend on your own, a single supplement will apply.

Ready to make 2024 your year?
Claim your Spot

“It's the best thing I've ever done"

- Esther

About Victoria Rendle

Victoria Rendle is a Physio and Healthcare Professional with over 25-years’ experience in all things health, wellbeing and movement. The main driving force behind the passion in her work, came from a need to fix her own body and life.

After experiencing burn-out from years of pushing through when exhausted, busy and stressed, Victoria was determined to find a way to improve her health and wellbeing.

Realising that traditional healthcare had no answers, Vic spent the next few years exploring functional and lifestyle medicine, nutrition, mindset principles, psychology, breathing, meditation, time management and spirituality to name a few.

Armed with her experiences and clinical learning from many healthcare experts, she developed the Retreat to RESET.

Her aim is to open a window of awareness and hope that you too can live a different life. One of health, joy and peace.

Find out more about Thurlestone Hotel

Click below to head over to Thurlestone Hotel's website. You can read all about their facilities and the hotel.

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HealthHub, Fore Street, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1AX  |  Telephone: 01548 852355  |  Email: [email protected]