Sports Massage

"massage, one of the few pleasures nature forgot to attach a consequence!"


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Traditionally used to prepare for or recover after an event, this type of massage is great to keep your body in tip-top shape. It eases aching, tired, tight muscles and keeps you doing what you love. This also includes the gardening and sitting at your desk for hours at a time (other endurance events!). Everyone can benefit, don’t be deceived by the “sport” bit.

If stretching or exercising isn’t your thing, sports massage can still keep you looser, more supple, agile and improve posture. It’s great at preventing activities of daily life having a negative impact on your body. A monthly essential for all, aiding circulation, recovery, and healing.


Traditionally used to prepare for or recover after an event, this type of massage is great to keep your body in tip-top shape. It eases aching, tired, tight muscles and keeps you doing what you love. This also includes the gardening and sitting at your desk for hours at a time (other endurance events!). Everyone can benefit, don’t be deceived by the “sport” bit.

If stretching or exercising isn’t your thing, sports massage can still keep you looser, more supple, agile and improve posture. It’s great at preventing activities of daily life having a negative impact on your body. A monthly essential for all, aiding circulation, recovery, and healing.

Your Next Steps

Given your body is the MOST precious and irreplaceable thing you own, you are right to feel cautious about trusting someone with it! If you are unsure what to do next or have questions, click the button below to enquire further

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Call on 01548 852355 or click here to book via email

HealthHub, Fore Street, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1AX  |  Telephone: 01548 852355  |  Email: [email protected]