




Enquire Now

Good movement in sport should feel effortless, smooth, fluid, efficient and pain free. If this isn’t your experience, we can help, preventing long term problems ruining your love of exercise. Whether you’re a budding amateur or seasoned pro, it’s often the simplest things that help to improve how your body feels, moves and performs.


Our team of physio’s and sports therapists are all trained in the same unique approach that uses great hands-on treatment and cutting-edge training used in professional sport.

Good movement in sport should feel effortless, smooth, fluid, efficient and pain free. If this isn’t your experience, we can help, preventing long term problems ruining your love of exercise. Whether you’re a budding amateur or seasoned pro, it’s often the simplest things that help to improve how your body feels, moves and performs.

Our team of physio’s and sports therapists are all trained in the same unique approach that uses great hands-on treatment and cutting-edge training used in professional sport.

Your Next Steps

Given your body is the MOST precious and irreplaceable thing you own, you are right to feel cautious about trusting someone with it! If you are unsure what to do next or have questions, the following options are to help you make the best decision on what is right for you. There is no obligation to book an appointment after any of these complimentary options;

Request A Free Discovery Visit

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Request A Call With A Physio

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Enquire About Cost And Availability

Enquire Now

There’s no obligation to book anything with us after a call or Discovery visit. We simply want to help you make the right decision on how to help your health best, long term.

*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our Discovery Visits. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you*

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Call on 01548 852355 or click here to book via email

HealthHub, Fore Street, Kingsbridge, Devon, TQ7 1AX  |  Telephone: 01548 852355  |  Email: [email protected]