Victoria Rendle - Founder,


The main driving force behind Vic’s passion in her work, came from a need to fix her own body and life!

As a child she loved to do every sport and activity going but following numerous injuries, illnesses and personal setbacks, Vic found her life had become very limited, unhealthy, and depressing

I didn’t want to believe that this was how I was stuck for the rest of my life, not being able to exercise and do the things I love.”

Like many people, traditional approaches failed to improve things, which is why Vic’s passion developed into looking at the whole person instead of just the sore bit!

A more holistic approach


 Along with her personal experiences, Vic’s training as a Physiotherapist and Pilates instructor highlighted how interconnected the body and mind are.

To get the best outcomes, you must consider and treat both, hence why Vic’s background is diverse. She has gained experience and knowledge over the years working in numerous different settings including the military, NHS, and private sectors. She studies with some of the finest Physiotherapists, movement experts and thought leaders in the world.

Doing this has enabled Vic to create the unique team and holistic approach used at the HealthHub, which inspires hope, positive mindset, leading to incredible treatment successes.

“I love seeing people realise that they can feel better and live a different life, one which has options and freedom”




Movement should be a joy, not a chore...

Vic believes that movement should feel good.

When it doesn't it’s hard to keep fit and do the things you love.

This impacts both your physical and mental health in a huge way.

Commonly clients’ beliefs about their pain, body, movement, and life are the biggest barriers to overcome.


“How you think affects how you feel, what actions you take and the results you get. So, getting your mindset to shift is a key part in getting long-term success.” 


A dollop of positivity is needed along the way. Thankfully, Vic’s an expert in that, as are the whole Hub team.

Vic’s on a mission to keep things simple for you at the Hub.

So much of life can be overwhelming and choices confusing.

That is why folk often don’t act, because they don’t know what to do.

Learning from her own journey, Vic avoids overcomplicating the problems you’ve got and the solution to fix it.

“When I understood what was going on and why I had to do something, it was easier to stay consistent and enjoy the process. Let’s face it, when dealing with the body things take time and it’s easy to get frustrated!”  


Small steps lead to BIG change


Vic believes in making small changes at each step, so progress is inevitable.

This is what leads to the BIG changes which last.

Like you, Vic hasn’t got time or the inclination to spend hours each day doing boring exercises. Her approach takes 5 minutes at a time. Everyone can find that in their day.

She uses lots of techniques to keep you consistent, motivated, and focused during your journey. Her recovery plans are personalised and unique to you. There is no one size fits all at the HealthHub!


“I LOVE seeing people transform from being sad, frustrated and scared individuals into confident and happy people who are excited about their future and what they can do!”


Vic is committed to bringing you and her team the very best of what she is living and learning and to keep things real.

Whatever your problem or goal for your body her mission at the HealthHub is simple; To provide excellent, inspiring, personalised healthcare that positively impacts everyone who walks through the door.


It is TOTALLY possible to make the changes in how you live, move, and feel. The Hub also has the answers to future proof your success.


Vic and the team are excited about your future.

Vic is committed to bringing you and her team the very best of what she is living and learning and to keep things real.

Whatever your problem or goal for your body her mission at the HealthHub is simple; To provide excellent, inspiring, personalised healthcare that positively impacts everyone who walks through the door.


It is TOTALLY possible to make the changes in how you live, move, and feel. The Hub also has the answers to future proof your success.


Vic and the team are excited about your future.

Vic's Qualifications


BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy 

ProSport Mentorship

ConnectTherapy Certified Practitioner 

APPI Certified Pilates Instructor 

APPI Equipment Trained Pilates Instructor 

Member of Acupuncture Association of Chartered Physiotherapists 

Member Chartered Society Physiotherapy 

Member Health and Care Professions Council

Marie Forleo Time Genius

 To Book With Vic:

Email: [email protected]

Call: 01548 852355