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Embarrassing & Not So Embarrassing Questions And Answers About Our Postnatal Check

Jun 06, 2023
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No matter how well prepared you felt for childbirth and even if your baby’s birth went exactly as you had planned (and more likely, if like for us it didn’t!) the first few weeks and months of motherhood can throw up all sorts of questions that may not have occurred to you while you were pregnant.    Maybe you’re considering booking in for a postnatal check-up but aren’t quite sure about what it involves?

We love questions!  We are never embarrassed, we don’t judge and have years of experience treating patients who come to us with a range of intimate questions they don’t feel they can ask anyone else…

So, first of all…..

  1. When should I come for my postnatal check?

Whenever you feel ready but most people wait until they have their 6-week Doctors check and we would not perform any internal assessment before this point.  However, if you have specific concerns that you would like to address earlier than this some people do book in earlier.

  1. Can I bring my baby with me to my postnatal check-up?

Yes, yes yes! Some mums relish the chance of an hour’s peace and quiet to themselves but if that’s not an option we love meeting your little people and we understand that often childcare can be a bit of a challenge.  We also understand that little people aren’t always quiet.  Perhaps you’re still breastfeeding and little one can’t be left for too long? Or maybe baby needs feeding while you are with us?  Feel free to feed your baby while you are with us – sometimes little tummies just can’t wait!  And if baby needs changing while you’re here – again no problem!

  1. Do I have to have an internal examination?

No.  It is a very normal part of our work to perform internal examinations of our clients’ pelvic floor, usually vaginally, but sometimes rectally if indicated by symptoms.  However, we totally understand that you may be reluctant to have this type of assessment, perhaps you have had a bad experience in the past, perhaps you’ve had a bad day and just don’t feel like it.  Some women would rather just talk the first time they come, some are clear that they unlikely to ever want such an examination and others are almost jumping on the bed demanding to know what’s going on.  Whichever way you feel, there is no right and wrong and always a huge amount that we can help with.  If you are happy to be examined we always explain in advance exactly what we intend to do so you know what’s going to happen and (big sigh of relief) we don’t use a speculum – the equipment you have experienced at your smear test.  Just gloves, one finger and lots and lots of gel.

What if I haven’t had a chance to tidy up “down there”?

We don’t mind.  Really, we don’t.  We are interested in your health and wellbeing and not in your chosen approach to “styling” down there.  In the whirlwind of new motherhood it can often feel like a victory to have found time to brush your teeth so we don’t expect you to have visited the salon before seeing us!

What should I wear?

Whatever you feel comfortable in.  We don’t stand on ceremony but it’s useful if you can wear comfortable clothes that you can move easily in.

Can I ask an embarrassing question?

Yes please!  Our job as therapists is to ensure that you feel comfortable enough in your session to talk honestly and openly about how you are feeling and any symptoms you are experiencing.  We understand this may be the first time you have talked to anyone at all about symptoms like incontinence, prolapse or sexual pain.  We do not expect you to know all the “proper names” for things.  We won’t be shocked and feedback from past patients has been that it is often a huge relief just to talk to someone about what is really going on.

There are hundreds of other questions that come up as you navigate your way through new motherhood – have a look at our other blogs and videos and you may well find the answers!  And if not, book in to see us and ask your question in person – we look forward to seeing you!

Contact us on 01548 852355 or email [email protected] if you’ve got any concerns we are here to help you! Ask for a postnatal check.


Originally posted 8th June 2018

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