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"Pilates is making me feel physically whole again": A Success Story

Mar 25, 2023
pilates equipment

Today's story is all about how pilates can help you reconnect with you body, feel stronger than ever, and feel whole again.


There are so many benefits that pilates can offer, and this story perfectly sums up just why so many people love it so much.

If you have ever felt like your body is disconnected, or that you yourself are disconnected for your body, this one's for you.

Thanks you so much for sharing your journey, Sue. We are so proud of all of your progress and success!



"I felt as if my body was a ‘bag of nails and spanners’. Nothing quite connected, lots of niggles and pain in my back, pelvis and shoulder blades.

I went to the Health Hub on a recommendation. Initially about my knees. Having been very sporty when young I had managed to destroy my cartilage from the overuse. I needed support with the type of exercise that would strengthen the muscles around my knees and yet not create more pain and injury to the joints.

I had been to two other places before trying the Health Hub. The first one I kept sustaining injuries, the second provided me with exercises that only exacerbated the knee pain. I was at bit of a loss. But no more. I feel supported, understood and more importantly a physical therapy approach which is very specific to my problems.

After my first consultation with Naomi, she had managed to cure the pelvic pain in five minutes and I was given exercises for my knees that did not cause me more problems. To put it lightly I was blown away.

It was suggested I try pilates. I had always done yoga, and was doing it when I could, but it was not actually helping my back and that ‘bag of nails’ feeling throughout my torso remained.

I now do pilates and it is like having an internal massage to the parts of your body that cannot be reached otherwise. I feel that slowly but surely the bones, ligaments and muscles are being aligned again. I find the practice of pilates is making me feel physically whole again. As an older person I believe the continued practice will enable me to remain strong and mobile. I was starting to recognise that I did not want to go upstairs again or do the garden, I was even becoming lazy with wedging my clay before throwing.

If anyone feels physically out of sorts, I recommend trying pilates. There is absolutely nothing to lose, and lots to gain."



If like Sue did, you feel as though your body isn't working the way it should, and you've got niggles that you don't know how to fix, or you just want to feel more aware and connected to your body. You can give us a call on 01548 852 355 or contact [email protected] to speak to one of the team about how pilates can help you.


With love,

Vic and the HealthHub Team


P.S. We are launching a brand new subscription service very soon! This fab service is your annual approach to future-proofing your health.


Much like how you look after your car, your body and mind need regular checkups to ensure they’re running smoothly and identify anything that needs fixing BEFORE it becomes a major issue. That’s why we have created this new MOT service. To help you be proactive and preventitive in your health, wellbeing and fitness.


So if you want:


  • Help to form and maintain healthy habits
  • Monthly accountability to keep you on track
  • To ensure you’re doing everything you can to promote good health, now AND in the future
  • To find ways to create time in your week for self-care, fun, and healthy habits
  • To have annual checks on your whole body and health
  • To be proactive in your health and prevent problems BEFORE they occur
  • To be the the fittest, ha[piest and healthy you have ever been AND stay that way
  • Support from our team and be part of a community of people working together towards the same goals


Then click here to register interest and find out more information. We will be pinging updates and information to you about the new MOT service very soon, so make sure you’re signed up to hear all about it

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