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What Is Better for You Than 10000 Steps A Day – And Takes Fraction The Time?

Sep 29, 2022
walking up steps

Every day in clinic I hear people say, “I walk lots and keep very active”, as if to say, "I don’t need any planned exercise, because I do enough!" Well, I’ve got some bad news for you. Or, perhaps it’s good news because with the crushing truth I’m about to utter, you’ve got the potential to extend your life, improve your heart and lung function, get more energy, help your brain, get your muscles stronger, leaner, and more powerful, improve your mood and memory. Oh, and I forgot to mention reduce body fat!


Caught your attention? Good! This is an epic read. I’m excited for you.


The 10000 Steps Thing

So, this 10000 steps thing is awesome if you aren’t very physically active already. A great place to start, like a gateway to becoming more active. Think roughly 1000 steps per 10 minutes on your feet.

But, just because you go for walks each day or something similar, it relies on you having some considerable time on your hands each day. When that time isn’t there, you’ve got no alternative.


Long walks are ok to help your heart function, but there is a far better way to achieve way more physical benefits, in as little as 15 minutes 3 times a week. Another truth to point out is walking at the same pace and intensity, as many of you do on your regular routes isn’t doing you the good you imagine and, could be leading to or causing the niggles, aches, and pains in your body.

Not everyone is walking with great technique, just like running. Your legs can be very lazy, especially calves and bums hence why no amount of walking seems to be toning up certain areas and isn’t helping you feel more energised and stronger.

For some, it can be tricky to get the illusive 10000 steps under your belt, because stuff hurts when walking or standing. Perhaps you feel stiff, slow, or need walking aids to help you?

Either way, there is a way to get WAAAAAAAY more benefits for your health and wellbeing than you’d get from your 10000 steps in just 15 minutes a day. It really is true on this occasion; you can do less and achieve far more than you are currently by just being “active”, “busy”, or “walking lots”.


The Real Exercise Your Body & Mind Need


There’s this thing called High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT as it’s often abbreviated. Before you stop reading, this HIIT thing isn’t something for those young, fit, and healthy bods to hone their physiques further. Research has proven it’s the best and easiest way to get the following benefits including those of more mature(-ing) years!

1. Improved sugar absorption - Less likely to get Type II Diabetes

2. Improved heart function – reduced risk of heart attack

3. More efficient circulation – reduced risk of stroke

4. Reduced inflammation – helpful for pretty much all modern-day illnesses

5. Improved energy levels – will in turn improve your ability to exercise and mood

6. Better brain function and memory – reduced risk of dementia

7. Improved mood – great for depression or SAD

8. Improved muscle mass, strength and power – reduce risk of falls, injury and as a result mortality.

9. Reduced visceral fat – this is the dangerous fat surrounding your organs, not the one under your skin. HIIT can help get rid of both. Reducing visceral fat means you are less likely to suffer from strokes and heart attacks.


The TOFI That Isn’t a Sweet!

This final one, reducing visceral fat is an interesting one. Even if you are an apparently healthy weight, you may be classed as a TOFI. Not Grandad’s favourite sweet, TOFI actually stands for Thin Outside, Fat Inside and means you’ve excessive fat surrounding your organs. Just because you don’t carry any extra pounds, doesn’t mean you aren’t at risk from these illnesses and problems due to excessive fat.

SO, now can you see why simply “walking lots”, isn’t going to cut it anymore if you really want to live that longer, stronger, happier, healthier life.


The Research Doesn’t Lie

Along with the outstanding benefits above, the research has also shown;

  • 11-minute HIIT work out can give you more benefit than 1 hour of continuous exercise
  • 3, 20 seconds bursts of cycling over a 10-minute period gives you the equivalent benefit of 45minutes of moderate to intense cycling.


This feels me with utter cheer! The thought of slogging it on a bike for 45minutes not only makes my arse sore at the thought, but also makes me worry how I will feel in the days afterwards. Not only in my muscles but energy levels too. I haven’t got the endurance to start with to cope with 45minutes or an hour of moderate physical exercise, especially when starting on a new exercise journey. Few of you do either. Hence why you NEED to know more about HIIT and how it can help you feel better than you have in years.


How You Can Start Getting These Benefits Today!

 I’m sure there will be many reasons why you think HIIT won’t work for you. But, the simple, proven, facts above can’t be ignored. With the right help behind you and the right selection of exercise(s), you can get these benefits starting today.

My first bit of simple HIIT advice for those who can walk for 10-15 minutes is this;

  • Walk for 1 minute at a gentle pace and mark your spot.
  • Next, walk as quick as you can for 1 minute.
  • Turn around and slowly walk back to the start, where your mark is.
  • Repeat this cycle 3-5 times.
  • Try to walk further each time to push yourself.
  • It should take you no more than 10-15 minutes.


Next Steps (Pardon the Pun!)

Walking in this way isn’t the only way of doing HIIT. There are even better ways of doing it for benefits in all your muscles, not just your legs! If you are keen to find out if and how you can get started with this type of exercise to get all the benefits above, we are offering a FREE Discovery Visit with Abbie for you to find out more. It’s a great way for you to meet her, ask your questions and for her to find out more about you. She will advise you on what will work best for you and also outline the options in how we can support you at the HealthHub, either individually or as part of a group classes. Simply call 01548 852355 or email [email protected]. We will then get in touch with a time and day that suits you.

I genuinely am excited for anyone reading this. I’m off to get started myself. Understanding the benefits properly now makes me wonder why I didn’t start this type of exercise years ago! Perhaps HIIT is the most time saving intervention ever for your health? What do you think?

Next week I’m going to dig a bit deeper into how HIIT gets you the benefits it does so stay tuned!


With love,


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