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Why You Need Different Types of Exercise to Feel Fab

Dec 11, 2022

I don’t know how you’re finding life at the moment, but there seems to be lots of bugs and low energy going around in what is, after all, the party season. Are you, like me, feeling quite busy just juggling normal life without all the added stuff the festive season brings? My brain and body are feeling a little fried! So, how do I still fit in exercise when I haven’t got much time or energy for it?


Vic of old (oh, I’m so wise these days!), would have just pushed on through, dug a bit deeper into already depleted energy tanks. She’d have just stepped things up a notch to get everything done. She’d have stayed up later, got up earlier, pushed harder with exercise, eaten more convenience food, multi-tasked, not sat down, (definitely not sat down!). I’d have just kept on going, trying to give 110%. I’d have tackled all this “busy-ness” aka STRESS, by doing more. Then……..what would inevitably happen was….., I’d make myself ill!


So, this year I’m trying something new! And, with it affecting well over 90% of the clients we see at the HealthHub, it might be helpful for you too.


I Expect You Listen - But, Do You Hear?


I’m finally LISTENING to my body and what it is trying to tell me.

And, going one step further this year, I’m not only listening to my body, I’m also, and most importantly, changing what I do based on what I hear!


Please re-read that bit again!


Yes, based on how I am feeling and what is going on around me, I’m finding I’m making different choices which means I can maintain and optimise my health, time, energy and happiness. Amen to that!


You may wonder why I’m telling you this.


Exercise – The Antidote to Stress?


Research clearly states exercise is good for you. It helps reduce stress, depression, anxiety, weight, inflammation. It optimises our heart, muscle, body and brain health. It minimises the impact of aging on the body and prolongs life.


But, even though we know exercise is the best way to reduce stress, we still don’t do it! Why is that?


There are two main reasons;

1. Many people don’t feel good when they exercise, so they don’t do it.

2. And, most importantly, they don’t know what and how to exercise because that varies and changes. The exercise or movement your body really needs to feel good, on any given day, changes based on numerous factors I’ll discuss in a minute


We see two main types of people in clinic. Those who stop exercising and prioritising their own health when they are stressed or too busy to restore balance - something that is never a long-term solution.


Then there are those who push harder with exercise when stressed in a valiant attempt to keep their head clear. Yes, while their head may feel better temporarily from an intense workout, their poor body will end up even more depleted and ramped up with stress hormones, leaving them more inflamed, exhausted and prone to illness.


Why You Need Different Types of Exercise to Feel Good


Exercise can make you feel amazing. But it can also make you feel awful. Many of you probably have one way of thinking about exercise, just like the old Vic. It’s All or Nothing! Getting my heart rate up, sweating, pushing myself to feel like I’d worked my buns off and then flopping. That’s what I thought was needed, come rain or shine. And that was my downfall.


When your body is already in a stressed state, your cortisol and adrenaline levels are already raised. These are the stress hormones. Exercising hard when you are already in a high stressed state will push

you even further into the body’s stress response, worsening your overall health. It can make inflammation worse, heart rate and blood pressure go up further and will make you feel even more knackered, not more energised!


That is why you need to vary your movement and exercise practice based on;

1. How you are feeling on any given day – energy levels, illness, mental capacity etc

2. What is going on from a lifestyle perspective – how much sleep you did/didn’t have, stress levels, “busy-ness” and what you’ve eaten and drunk. Also consider if there are any crisis’ you are dealing etc


Knowing how and when to vary your exercise and movement habits really is the way to spice up your life!


What’s Your Exercise Plan?


By listening to your body and analysing your lifestyle on any given day, you then need to select the exercise or movement practice that will provide the best “reset”.


If you are exhausted, stressed out, had little sleep, your body needs more restorative ways of exercising. You still need to move, but the pace and intensity should change; maybe a light walk in the fresh air, some gentle yoga or Pilates, or stretching practice, a short swim or cycle on the flat, perhaps even doing a 10-minute breathing practice. All these would be more beneficial than a HIIT class, 30-minute run or more intense activity.


I made myself feel so much worse by doing strenuous exercise when all my body was craving was a more gentle approach to re-set my system. I needed to bring it back into a relaxed, “rest & digest” state, not pump it up more!


In retrospect, I did myself a fair bit of damage by doing this and made a lot of inflammatory conditions worse. It exacerbated my skin, gut and brain. I felt awful.


Bottom Line

Keeping your health optimal isn’t a one-time thing. It is a continuous lifetime active and changeable process. What you need to do on any given day will change according to what is going on in your life and how you feel. You need to listen and pay attention to how you are feeling inside and be comfortable with adopting a more varied approach to exercise.

The key pillars of health however, remain the same.


You need to;

a. prioritise your sleep (at least 8 hours)

b. eat nutritious, un-processed, balanced meals and drink plenty of water

c. have planned daily relaxation practices to combat stress

d. move in different ways to exercise.


The exercise and movement you do will vary depending on a, b and c above and how you are feeling.

So, what you must do is to pay attention to your body and mind and listen to what they are telling you. They shout pretty loud most times and it’s probably you’ve just got used to ignoring them and over-riding what they are telling you!


So, this festive season, perhaps it isn’t high intensity training or long, strenuous walks you need. Perhaps, instead, it’s more about doing some gentle stretches, Pilates or breathing for 10-15 minutes. This will combat any family or busy stress that will impact your lovely body and mind and you might just find you have more energy, genuine enthusiasm and fun along the way!


And Finally…..


All the above is why we created our VIGOUR Health Club so you can learn and be supported in making better choices about your movement, exercise and health.


I’m running some special workshops in January which are all about helping you get the best from your body and health in 2023. During these sessions I will guide you to;

o Find out how healthy you are; physically and mentally

o Identify the biggest barriers to your physical and mental health blocking you feeling great

o Figure out what your real health priorities are in 2023

o Work out a clear action plan as to how you will achieve them in easy, simple steps so you can’t fail!

If the sounds just like what you need, and want to know more, simply email or [email protected]

Simply type “JANUARY WORKSHOP”. We will help you make 2023 your healthiest and happiest yet. We only have 20 places available so do it now!

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