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The Miracle Cure We've Always Had - Exercise!

Mar 19, 2023

All through March we have been promoting March MATness - the celebration of Pilates. BUT we couldn’t talk about our wonderful pilates classes without mentioning all the other fab classes that we offer.

Whatever your age or ability there is strong scientific evidence that being physically active can help you lead a healthier, happier life. It's beneficial for long-term physical health and longevity, but also reduces the risk of anxiety and depression. BUT the key part is, you need to be doing more than just one type of exercise. That’s why this week we’re talking about the other types of exercise, VIGOUR classes, and why you need to be doing them!


The Science

A historic study of over 33,000 people, followed them after 11 years to find out if exercise provides protection against depression, and if so, what intensity and total amount of exercise is required to gain protection? The answer… yes! Even more encouraging was that they discovered that even as little as 1 hour a week could prevent 12% of future cases of depression. 

Ideally, for both our physical and mental health, we want to be moving everyday but it’s reassuring to know that every little counts. 

Our classes are designed to meet every aspect of physical fitness, and all the different types of movement you need to be doing to keep your body in working order. All done within a safe, positive space by our trained clinical staff.


Why you need Cardio and how to get it

Cardio is absolutely vital for ensuring your heart remains healthy. This is especially important as you age. Many people feel put off about doing cardio based exercise, because they feel too unfit, have no idea where to start, or believe they are too old to begin or have slowed down too much. All of the above is simply not true! Cardio is so important for every single person, no matter who you are. Doing even a small amount of cardio every week is even better for you than 10000 steps a day (and takes way less time!). Knowing what intensity is right for you can be hard, that’s why we have designed two classes to help make cardio accessible to all our clients:


Huffers & Puffers

Does what it says on the tin! This one is aimed at improving cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance, this class is great for those who are new to exercise or on their comeback tour!

It’s a circuit style class with no floor made moves - its great for cardiac rehab!

This is a safe, beginner friendly class that can be used as a steppingstone to the higher-level V fit. If in the past cardio has made you feel overwhelmed, this one is for you.



Our higher intensity full body workout class. You will need to comfortable getting up and down off the floor, with a mix of resistance and cardio vascular exercises. This is the challenge you need to see progress. But fear not, the class is fully supported not competitive. We want you to get the most out of it and leave on that exercise high!

Class style will vary from circuit to circuit, but with everyone working at the same time you are sure to maximise your time!


I am definitely fitter, more confident in my ability to move and do more. I can go on longer walks and go up hills without taking a break to look at the view!”




Give me strength!

Strength based training can quite literally reverse the ageing process. It is so important to be doing strength training if you want to prevent balance and mobility loss, and can even prevent things like type II diabetes, osteoporosis and much more! Research continues to show the importance of muscle mass and life expectancy. Being strong is give you freedom and confidence to get stuff done! Mowing the lawn, tick. Loading the boot of the car for a tip run, tick! Moving without fear, tick!

If you’re new to strength training, it can be overwhelming. Many fear causing themselves an injury. That’s why we designed our strength class to safely help people get their strength back AND progress.


Lifters & Shifters

There is no need to fear resistance training. Mixing up the layout, the class consists of movements using resistance bands, body weight, and weights. By adding resistance to movement they become harder, our muscle has to work more, the tissue grows, and hey presto strength goes up.

There is no cardio element. All focus is on control and quality movements. The varied level class is suitable for those who can stand unaided, but apart from that it really is for any level or ability!

My mental wellbeing and overall fitness have improved. I've even had the confidence to try other stuff like paddle boarding! I recognise that I need to continue challenging myself as I get older and classes motivate you, so that you can be the best you can be.

-Nancy (Read Nancy’s story here)

The podcast from Michael Mosley linked below reflects everything we try to promote in class and beyond. BBC Radio 4 - Just One Thing - with Michael Mosley, Lift Some Weights



The Superhighway that lets you move

Your spine and ribcage are working, right now, they're working. Your spine is the superhighway that lets you move from the bottom of your feet to the top of your head. It absorbs the weight of the world while supporting you move in. But our spines and ribcage take a pounding from our modern sedentary lifestyles, prolonged sitting and demanding situations which is why it’s so, so important to do spinal mobility exercises.


Spinal Mobility

Spinal mobility is a great class for everyone! It focuses on taking the body through a series of stretches, and mobilising our joints first thing on a Friday morning - what better way to start the day?

People who benefit from spinal mobility often complain of feeling stiff and achy first thing in the morning, feel like they are losing their mobility or perhaps are in a job that requires them to be quite static. It is super modifiable to suite all levels of mobility, so everyone can stand to benefit from trying this out.

This class helps people by giving them an hour to focus on your body, play with your movements, improve your mobility in the spine and ribcage, nourish those joints, and feel energised to get their weekend off to a great start. Best part of it is that it is online, so anyone can join from anywhere!

Life’s about Balance

Balance is so important for living a longer and healthier life. It’s a skill we use daily, when functioning fully it is mostly an unconscious process. However, when balance doesn’t come easy you may experience intense fear, possibly physical pain associated with injuries from a fall. Fear and pain produce thought patterns that are overwhelming, persistent, and nerve-wracking. The fear and fatigue caused by poor balance can be paralysing. Having the confidence and reassurance that you can improve may feel like an impossible goal.


Balance & Strength

Fear not. The function of our balance class is to help a person feel safe when moving from place to place, reassured by the calming nature of the class - it’s time to get your mojo back. During the class you’ll perform exercises both in seated and standing that increase strength, sensory awareness, reflexes, mobility, and concentration. Focusing on increasing confidence by working through a series of progressive movement that develop your ability to correct imbalances, as well as strengthen the skill to consistently implement safe movement. This lowers the fear of falling.


Let’s wind down and pause.

Being in a state of constant go go go with our modern lives, sometimes we only believe we are truly progressing or triggering benefit if we are suffering in some way. Be that the sweat, muscle burn or working into the depths of the night. Many people only do high intensity workouts and miss out on both the physical and mental benefits that a stretch, balance and flexibility class can offer.


Stretch and Flow

This mindful class combines techniques from yoga, meditation, breathing, tai chi and stretches. This is your weekly pause - a chance to reconnect to your body and switch off the mind.

This class gives you a chance to recover, stretch and just go with the flow. No worrying if you're doing things perfectly, but being grateful to just move. 

And finally…

We have our wonderful Pilates classes and Man Club which you can read all about the benefits here.


If you’re thinking about joining any of our classes, you can take a look at our class timetable here, Give us a call 01548 852 355, or contact [email protected] to find out more information on which classes can benefit you the most and how to join.


Have a wonderful week,


With love


and the HealthHub Team

P.s. We are launching our brand new subscription service next week - the HealthHub MOT, this is your annual insurance policy to make sure your body is working to the best it can be. It’s a way to be proactive in your health and prevent things BEFORE they become a problem, by giving you clarity and a plan on what to do to be the fittest, healthiest and happiest you​​! It’s time to future-proof your health and wellbeing.

If you’re interested in this fab new service and want to be notified when it launches or simply want to find out more about how the MOT can help you, click here. You can also contact [email protected] to get more information.

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