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They say education is power!


As you explore the health and wellbeing topics I love to write about, see how easy it can be to make HUGE changes in your life.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

This is the place to get heaps of FREE advice on how to fix the problem you are suffering from.

They say education is power!

As you explore the health and wellbeing topics I love to write about, see how easy it can be to make HUGE changes in your life.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Gents, Pelvic Floor Strengthening Is Not Just In The Female Domain! Oh No No No!
Pelvic floor strengthening is not just in the female domain! Oh no no no!
Yes you have a pelvic floor too and these muscles are vital in controlling your bladder and bowels, preventing any leaking or wind. You may also be keen to know these muscles also play a key role in maintaining your...
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Endometriosis & Physio โ€“ The Low Down on Down Low!

In my first blog on endometriosis I explained how the implants of endometrial tissue can deposit themselves outside of the uterus (womb) and cause inflammation, pain and scar tissue formation.

A lot of women and girls with endometriosis experience very painful periods (dysmenorrhea) which often...

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Top Tips For Looking After Yourself Following Abdominal and Pelvic Surgery

Nutrition for healing

  • Aim to eat a whole foods, vegetable and protein rich diet (high fibre)
  • Consider the use of probiotics supplements especially if you have been on anti-biotics

Looking after your mind

Allow your body to heal properly by having some rest post-operatively. The amount of...

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Endometriosis Agony

It may come as no surprise to you to learn that 1 in 10 women and girls (after their periods have started) have endometriosis.

When you reflect back on school days you will remember those girls that seemed to have had such bad period pains that they had to take time off school every month.


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Winter Schminter, You Canโ€™t Catch Me!

It’s that time of year…I am excited!

I’m not going to mention the “C” word just yet (the festive one that is) but I’m sure you have smelt the crisp air these last few days?  It’s that time of year when we get out our winter woolies,  rediscover...

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Would You Like More Happiness In Your Life?

On the recent world Mental Health Day, I came across this incredible post which brought a tear to my eye and seems to nail it spot on. Every time I read it I think “yes!”.

So today, the words are going to be from someone who many of us view as Marmite. Regardless of your opinion of...

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Why Is It Easier to Stick to Your Physio Exercises Sometimes and Not Others?

When you get given a load of exercise from your therapist there are several phases to it and understanding them can help keep you motivated and on track.  It will also help you understand why sometimes it becomes harder to stick to it as you get better.

The initial “adoption”...

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Want More Top Anti- Aging Tips? Here is Part 2!

Following on from Wendy’s previous blog on anti-aging tips for your brain (click here if you missed it),  here is part 2!

Previously we mentioned how we can help our brain by stimulating different areas of it to give it a good old work out!

Other Ways to Help

As we love to tell...

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What To Do If You Are Struggling To Exercise Even Though You Know It Will Help You

My darling friend came to stay recently and we got to talking about exercise.  I have long been totally impressed and in awe of how she manages to exercise most days, even at the end of a crazy busy day and then can fall asleep at the drop of a hat immediately afterwards.  So many...

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Being a Patient: The Real Side of the Story

As some of you know, a couple of weeks ago I had an unexpected battle with a metal trolley which resulted in a rather nasty cut to my thumb.  I was just getting my room ready between patients and the new trolley, which had been sitting there for a few weeks, still had it’s plastic,...

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How To Transform Your Life

We all strongly believe at the HealthHub how interconnected our body and mind is and that in order to be truly healthy and well,  full of vitality,  joy and loving our life,  the whole person needs to be looked at not just one bit!  Unsurprisingly,  this concept of...

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Did You Know We Grow Like Trees?

As you may or may not know we love the Neuro Orthopaedic Institute (NOI) Group for its wonderfully easy and imaginative ways to help us understand the body and more specifically pain.  Our patients love them too along with their wonderful illustrations.  This particular...

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