This is the place to get heaps of FREE advice on how to fix the problem you are suffering from.


They say education is power!


As you explore the health and wellbeing topics I love to write about, see how easy it can be to make HUGE changes in your life.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

This is the place to get heaps of FREE advice on how to fix the problem you are suffering from.

They say education is power!

As you explore the health and wellbeing topics I love to write about, see how easy it can be to make HUGE changes in your life.

It doesn’t have to be complicated. Your body and mind will thank you for it.

Why You Have 2 Choices After Abdominal Surgery: A Success Story


Karen's story shows great courage in the face of adversity. If you have been previouly let down by post-surgery after care, or have had/are going to have surgery, this one is for you.

Thank you Karen for sharing your story with us. We are proud of all you have acheived!




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What Food To Avoid That Might Be Triggering Incontinence

Listen in my friend, many folk have had the odd oopsie moment. I’m meaning down below on the toilet front. This week I’m telling you about what to avoid eating and drinking if you are struggling with either bladder or bowel problems.

It’s up there with one of the most shameful...

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Episiotomy Causing Hip Pain Years Later: A Success Story

Today's success story from our lovely client Hayley, is all about how hip pain and loss of pelvic floor strength can be caused by an episiotomy, even if it was years ago. If you've been suffering from pain, you don't have to just hope it will get better. Help is here for you.

Thank you Hayley for...

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A Prostatectomy Doesn't Have To Mean Accepting Incontinence For The Rest Of Your Life: A Success Story

This story shows how you don't have to suffer and accept incontinence after a prostatectomy. It is a story of hope, persistence, and how physio with a Pelvic Health Specialist like Wendy can work wonderfully to overcome your continence problems, letting you get back to doing what you love. It can...

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The Biggest Mistakes Women Make When Treating Their Pelvic Floor & Leaking Issues #1

The Biggest Mistake Women Make #1 Click on the blue link!

In order to help you get the BEST outcome from seeing Wendy our pelvic health therapist or someone else, I need to share with you some gold stuff that will make you successful in getting the outcome you want.

For those ladies coming...

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How To Increase Your Pelvic Floorā€™s Endurance So You Can Make It To The Loo On Time

 Marathon Runners Of Pelvic Health!  click on this link!

So, we’ve already helped you realise that you need more than one sort of exercise to stop you leaking. I now need get a bit more specific on how to give your pelvic floor the proper workout it needs, so you can end the shame...

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Stopping Leaking When You Cough or Sneeze

Sprinters Of Pelvic Health Click On This Link!

Having already thought about the marathon runners of your pelvic floor, I now need to tell you about the sprinters in your pelvic floor! This is ANOTHER crucial way you need to train your pelvic floor to stop the shame and misery of leaking.


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How To Structure Your Pelvic Floor Training Part One

How To Structure Your Pelvic Health Training Part One Click On This Link

So, we now know that there’s not just one way of working your pelvic floor. But you still don’t know how often or what else you need to consider when strengthening it up to stop you leaking. There is so much...

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What Actually IS Your Pelvic Floor?

Either click each of the three links to watch each little video or if you prefer or struggle to view the videos, here are is a rough transcript of Vic’s amazing chat about your Pelvic Floor.

What Actually Is Your Pelvic Floor? Click On The Blue Link Here!

Your pelvic floor is such a...

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The Biggest Mistakes Women Make When Treating Their Pelvic Floor & Leaking Issues Mistake #2

Click on the blue link below to hear Vic chat about the Second Big Mistake We Make xx

 The Biggest Mistake Women Make #2

Mistake # 2

Most women know it’s a good idea to work on their pelvic floor. Some of you refer to them as Kegels and it’s all about making sure you can switch...

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The Biggest Mistakes Women Make When Treating Their Pelvic Floor And Leaking Issues Mistake #3

Check out Mistake #3, Vic’s latest chat on The Biggest Mistakes Women Make When Treating Their Pelvic Floor And Leaking Issues

 The Biggest Mistake Women Make #3 Click on this link

Many women believe that their problems with leaking and strengthening up their pelvic floor can be...

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Prostate Cancer: The Low Down and Secret to Getting the Best Recovery

Once you reach the age of 40, worrying about your thickening midriff isn’t the only thing that should be on your radar. There is also the taboo issue regarding your prostate and symptoms affecting you peeing.

Whether it’s having to get up more at night to pee, a slowing in flow, some...

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Our work at the HealthHub opens up people’s lives to enjoy freedom the thought they’d never have again.

We spark people to shift mindsets, take courageous action with their body and mind.

These changes really do change and transform their lives.

Curious what can be done to help you? Get inspired and feel reassured by reading more…..

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